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Cara menentukan Angka Metabolisme Basal (AMB) dengan Contoh Perhitungan

Rumus untuk menentukan Angka Metabolisme Basal (AMB)  atau Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Nama Tini Jenis kelamin Perempuan Berat badan (BB) 65 kg Tinggi badan (TB) 167 cm Umur (U) 20 tahun 1. Rumus Harris Benedict *Perempuan =655 + (9,6 x BB kg) + (1,8 x TB cm) - (4,7 x U) =655 + (9,6 x 65 kg) + (1,8 x 167 cm) - (4,7 x 20) =1485,6 ≈ 1485 kkal 2. Cara Cepat 1 *Perempuan = 0,95 kkal x BB kg x 24 jam = 0,95 kkal x 65 kg x 24 jam = 1482 kkal 3. Cara Cepat 2 *Perempuan = 25 kkal x BB kg = 25 kkal x 65 kg = 1625 kkal 4. Cara FAO / WHO / UNU *Perempuan (18-30 tahun) = 14,7 x BB kg + 496 = 14,7 x 65 kg + 496 = 1451,5 ≈ 1452 kkal Sumber: Dosen Dietetika (maaf nama tidak saya cantumkan) Perhitungan untuk jenis kelamin laki-laki, mohon menunggu update mendatang.

DuFan: All Things You Need to Know

What is DuFan? Dunia Fantasi or in short DuFan (read: do fun), is an amusement park located inside Ancol Dreamland, in North Jakarta City. Ancol had been there since the 1970s, based on what mom said she remembered, when she was 5, she once had gone to the Ancol beach and the swimming pool.  DuFan  in  English may be called "Fantasy World".  The theme park itself had been operating since 1984 ( source Wikipedia) .  Despite its age, still there are a lot of people vlogging the rides, meaning this theme park is still quite popular up until now. I had played there several times before pandemic, and once during the pandemic (off course when the case number considered low). To me, this place is one of the best attractions in Jakarta. Yes, where else you can go other than shopping malls and restaurants if you are Jakartans.  How to get to DuFan? If you are by car and are around the area, you can take taxis to  DuFan's Location (Google Maps)   You can take TransJakarta (Bus Rapi