
Foods in Indonesian, English and Mandarin

Nasi / Rice / 米饭 mǐ fàn Nasi goreng / Fried rice / 炒饭 chǎo fàn Nasi putih / White rice / 白饭 bái fàn Nasi kari / Curry rice / 咖喱饭 kā lí fàn Nasi hainan / Hainanese chicken rice / 海南鸡饭 hǎi nán jī fàn Nasi kuning / Yellow rice / 黄饭 huáng fàn Nasi goreng seafood / Seafood fried rice / 海鲜炒饭 hǎi xiān chǎo fàn Nasi pecel / Rice with peanut sauce / 花生酱饭 huā shēng jiàng fàn Nasi empal / Sweet soy glazed beef rice / 牛肉饭 niú ròu fàn Nasi bakar / Grilled rice / 烤饭 kǎo fàn Nasi uduk / Coconut milk-infused rice / 椰浆饭 yē jiāng fàn Kue / Cake / 蛋糕 dàn gāo Kue coklat / Chocolate cake / 巧克力蛋糕 qiǎo kè lì dàn gāo Kue keju / Cheesecake / 芝士蛋糕 zhī shì dàn gāo Kue pisang / Banana cake / 香蕉蛋糕 xiāng jiāo dàn gāo Kue ulang tahun / Birthday cake / 生日蛋糕 shēng rì dàn gāo Kue karamel / Caramel cake / 焦糖蛋糕 jiāo táng dàn gāo Kue red velvet / Red velvet cake / 红丝绒蛋糕 hóng sī róng dàn gāo Kue kering / Cookies / 饼干 bǐng gān Kue pandan / Pandan cake / 班兰蛋糕 bān lán dàn gāo Kue buah / Fruit cake / 水果蛋糕 shuǐ guǒ dàn gāo Kue ...

Canned Fruits (PPT)

Introduction Canned fruits are fruits that have been preserved in cans for long-term storage. They are convenient and retain most of their nutrients. Pineapple ( Ananas comosus L. ) Composition Water: 80-85% Sugar: 12-15% Acid: 0.6% Protein: 0.4% Fat: 0.1% Vitamin C: 10-25mg/100g Nutritional Content in Fresh and Processed Pineapples Canned pineapples retain a significant portion of their nutritional value. Physiological Growth of Pineapple Plants Understanding how pineapples grow is essential for cultivation. Longan ( Dimocarpus longan ) Composition Water: 82-85% Sugar: 16-20% Protein: 0.3% Fat: 0.1% Vitamin C: 84mg/100g Nutritional Content in Fresh and Processed Longan Canned longan maintains its natural sweetness and vitamin C content. Harvesting and Processing Longan Fruits Knowing when to harvest ensures the best flavor. Mandarin ( Citrus reticulata ) Composition Water: 85-87% Sugar: 8-10% Protein: 0.7% Fat: 0.2% Vitamin C: 26mg/100g Nutritional Content in Fresh and Processed Manda...

Tommy's Lemonade Stand: Earning and Budgeting

In the lively town of Coinville, where neighbors greeted each other with smiles, there lived a young boy named Tommy. Tommy was an enterprising spirit with a heart full of ambition. One warm summer day, as he played in his front yard, an idea sparked in his mind—a lemonade stand! Tommy rushed inside and gathered supplies. He found a table, set it up near the sidewalk, and arranged pitchers of lemonade, cups, and a cheerful sign that read, "Tommy's Lemonade: Refreshing and Delicious!" As the afternoon sun beamed down, Tommy eagerly awaited his first customer. Soon, a neighbor named Mrs. Parker approached with a friendly grin. "Hello, Tommy! What a wonderful idea! I'll have a cup, please," she said, handing him a coin. Tommy poured a cup of lemonade and handed it to Mrs. Parker. She took a sip and smiled. "This is delicious, Tommy! I'll be sure to tell my friends." Throughout the day, neighbors and passersby stopped by Tommy's stand. Some bou...

Mengenal Reaksi Asam dan Basa [Kimia Sederhana]

Praktikum: Reaksi Asam dan Basa Tujuan: untuk mengetahui dan memahami reaksi asam dan basa.  Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan: Larutan asam (misalnya cuka) Larutan basa (misalnya larutan soda kue) Indikator alami (contoh: air rendaman kubis ungu) Wadah transparan Langkah-langkah praktikum: Tuangkan sedikit larutan asam ke dalam wadah. Tambahkan sedikit indikator alami ke dalam larutan. Warna akan berubah sesuai dengan sifat asam atau basa. Ulangi langkah 1 dan 2 dengan larutan basa. Amati perubahan warna yang terjadi. Hasil yang diharapkan: Anda akan melihat perubahan warna pada indikator alami, menunjukkan sifat asam atau basa dari larutan. Pembahasan: Jika Anda menggunakan indikator alami seperti air rendaman kubis ungu dalam praktikum reaksi asam dan basa, maka warna awalnya akan menjadi ungu. Ketika Anda menambahkan larutan asam, warna tersebut mungkin akan berubah menjadi merah atau merah muda, menunjukkan sifat asam dari larutan. Sebaliknya, jika Anda menambahkan larutan basa, war...

My Journey to Silky, Smooth Hair: 5 Essential Tips

Achieving smooth and silky hair has been a personal journey for me, and I'm excited to share the essential tips that have helped me transform my locks into a shiny, touchable soft mane that turns heads wherever I go. In this article, I'll take you through the steps I've discovered on my quest for silky, smooth hair. Proper Washing Techniques: The foundation of healthy hair starts with a proper washing routine. For me, living in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, it's essential to adapt to the local conditions. I wash my hair once every 1-2 days, depending on how quickly it gets dirty. With my hair being naturally oily, it tends to feel greasy and itchy within just a day in this Indonesian weather. Using lukewarm water is crucial to avoid damaging the cuticles and causing frizz. I choose a sulfate-free, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner tailored to my hair type and concerns. Gently massaging these products into my scalp, rinsing thoroughly, and finishing with a c...

Bagian Tubuh / Body Parts / 身體部位 (Shēntǐ bùwèi)

Eksplorasi Anatomi Manusia: Bagian Tubuh Exploring the Human Anatomy: Body Parts 探索人體解剖學:身體部位 Tubuh kita itu luar biasa! Ada banyak bagian yang membantu kita bergerak, merasakan, dan melakukan berbagai hal seru. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan belajar nama-nama beberapa bagian tubuh ini dalam tiga bahasa: Inggris, Indonesia, dan Cina Tradisional. Seperti petualangan kecil untuk belajar tentang tubuh kita! Our bodies are amazing! They have many different parts that help us move, feel, and do all sorts of fun things. In this article, we'll learn the names of some of these body parts in three languages: English, Indonesian, and Chinese Traditional. It's like a little adventure in learning about our bodies! 我們的身體很神奇!它有很多不同的部位,幫助我們移動、感覺,以及做各種有趣的事情。在這篇文章中,我們將學習這些身體部位的名稱,以三種語言呈現:英語、印尼語和繁體中文。就像是一場小小的冒險,來認識我們的身體! Kepala / Head / 頭部 (Tóubù) Mata / Eye / 眼睛 (Yǎnjīng) Hidung / Nose / 鼻子 (Bízi) Mulut / Mouth / 嘴巴 (Zuǐbā) Telinga / Ear / 耳朵 (Ěrduǒ) Rambut / Hair / 頭髮 (Tóufà) Leher...

Daisy and the Money Tree: Understanding Needs vs. Wants

In the charming town of Coinville, where the sun always seemed to shine, there lived a young girl named Daisy. Daisy had a heart full of dreams and a smile that could light up even the cloudiest day. One afternoon, as she was playing in her backyard, she noticed something unusual near the old oak tree. There, beneath the branches of the oak tree, stood a tree like no other—a money tree! Instead of leaves, it had colorful bills of different denominations hanging from its branches. Daisy's eyes widened with amazement as she approached the tree. "Daddy, come quickly!" she called, running to fetch her father. Mr. Johnson, Daisy's dad, came rushing out, curious about the commotion. "Daddy, look! It's a money tree!" Daisy exclaimed. Mr. Johnson smiled and knelt down beside her. "Well, isn't that something special? But remember, Daisy, money doesn't grow on trees." Daisy nodded, though she couldn't help but wonder about the money tree. She...