
Showing posts from July, 2021

Perpanjang VISA Visitor dan bikin Rekening Bank Taiwan

Belajar bahasa mandarin di Mandarin Training Center (MTC), National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). Rencana aku menetap di sini selama setahun dan tidak ada rencana untuk kembali ke Indonesia dalam waktu tersebut. Sehingga, sebagai pemegang paspor Indonesia, aku butuh ke kantor imigrasi di Taiwan untuk perpanjang waktu ijin tinggal (Visa Visitor). Disini aku cerita tentang pengalaman, persiapan dokumen apa saja yang dibutuhkan, dan langkah-langkah untuk membantu kamu perpanjang visa visitor di Taiwan dan membuat rekening bank di Taiwan. Untuk yang sekolahnya beda, you can also apply this to your school’s documents yourself. NATIONAL IMMIGRATION AGENCY TAIWAN (NIA) Website:  Bahasa Indonesia  /  English Alamat: No. 15, Guangzhou Street, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, 100 Gimana cara ke sana? Klik -->  Google maps PERPANJANG VISA VISITOR Siapin semua dokumen sebelum kamu ke NIA jadi kamu tidak perlu bolak-balik. Berikut dokumen yang dibutuhkan. Mohon juga untuk ...

Marketing Quotes

and What I Think about Them #1  “Create stories that engage the customers. Not just for building backlinks”  - Hecate Strategy - What I think: Stories are more heartwarming than promotional content. #2 “It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic.” - Jeff Eisenberg, President of Eisenberg, Vital & Ryze Advertising - What I think: Traffic is visitors to your website which can lead to conversion rate which is the visitors' interaction rate. So both are intersecting but traffic is the initial. #3 “If I spent my time reporting every competitor of mine breaking a rule, that’s all I’d EVER do and my own sites would suck because they’d be getting no attention.”  - Rae Hoffman - What I think:  Yes, they'd be getting no attention even from their admin. So forget about rules broken by competitors. See what they have and apply it to your sites in your own way. After all we only want to take the positive...