
Showing posts from 2016

Inputs Controlling Food Intake Diagram

Figure 1. Inputs controlling food intake Source: unknown This picture is not mine, my lecturers taught my class using this diagram about food intake and I was searching more explanations (other than the lecturers had taught my class) from the book which has this diagram. Since the lecturers didn't give us their references (I didn't find any references in their Power Point Presentations) of what they were lecturing, so I used Google Search. But I couldn't find the same picture in any (Google) books I've read. I am helping anyone who took Food Technology as their major who are taking Dietetics class. Well, the picture looked like was printed before 2000s so that might be the reason why it was so hard to find the book. If anyone knows which book that has this figure, please tell me in the comment, it will really help me a lot. Thank you :)


PENETAPAN KADAR KLORIN PADA PEMUTIH (NaClO) DISUSUN OLEH : ALIEF RIZKY RAMADHAN CHRISTO ALDORINO IRENE AGUSTINI SHENNY KOSASIH KELAS : 12 IPA 2 SMA TERPADU PAHOA TANGERANG 2014       I.         TUJUAN Menentukan kadar klorin dalam pemutih (NaClO) dengan menggunakan titrasi iodometri.     II.         LANDASAN TEORI Terdapat dua cara melakukan analisis dengan menggunakan senyawa pereduksi iodium yaitu secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Cara langsung disebut iodimetri (digunakan larutan iodium untuk mengoksidasi reduktor-reduktor yang dapat dioksidasi secara kuantitatif pada titik ekivalennya). Namun, metode iodimetri ini jarang dilakukan mengingat iodium sendiri merupakan oksidator yang lemah. Sedangkan cara tidak langsung disebut iodometri. Iodometri adalah titrasi (penetapan) kadar suatu zat berdasarkan reaksi redoks antara iod dan natri...